St John’s has a comfortable Hall with kitchen attached. This is used for events such as Harvest Lunch, Lent Lunches, Vestry and other meetings and mid-week services.

Other organisations are, however, very welcome to use the Hall. They are asked for a contribution towards maintenance and heating, and the RVS, Marie Curie, ACTS and Moffat Youth Cricket Club all hold occasional meetings here.

The current  regular users of the Hall are:


RVS Senior Citizen’s Lunch Club

NEW: a craft club running in St. John’s on Tuesdays 7-9pm, bring you own project, learn something new or just drop in for tea and a chat.


Mid-week Communion and discussion

Tai Chi


Evening Baptist Group

Sunday Evening:

Sunday Night Live; Ecumenical Prayer Meeting followed by Service of Praise and Worship with an invited Speaker

To book the Hall please Phone the Treasurer (01683 220991)