Welcome to our church - St John's Moffat
Everyone is welcome to come and share in our worship and baptised Christians of all denominations are invited to share Holy Communion with us. If you are a visitor, on holiday, or coming to live in the area, do come along to one of our services & have a chat & a cup of coffee…
Welcome to St. John’s, Moffat, in the Diocese of Glasgow & Galloway, and within the Scottish Episcopal Church. The Scottish Episcopal Church is part of the world-wide Anglican Communion. St. John the Evangelist is an Eco-congregation, committed to a Scotland that cares for God’s creation, now and forever...
St. John the Evangelist Church Building
The Church building has strong connections with the former St Ninians school in Moffat, and the exquisite stained glass window is an example, having been commissioned by pupils to remember friends who lost their lives in the Boer War. Almost all who died in the Boer War were in Scottish regiments...