Communion in both kinds has recommenced, as follows;
Those receiving Communion have 3 options. They may, if they wish, simply receive the bread and after a brief moment of giving thanks, return to their seat. They may drink from the Cup, the common cup, which is turned and wiped by the minister between each communicant. In this case, they will have consumed the bread before receiving the cup. They may also, the third option, hold onto the wafer, the bread, and dip this into the chalice, and then consume the wafer which has a small amount of the wine, the blood of Christ, on it. This is called Intinction. The wafer should be gently dipped to just touch the edge into the wine, not dipped deep into it, creating a soggy dripping wafer. This practice of Intinction has become more popular after the Pandemic as it is thought, probably correctly, to reduce further the already very small risk of passing an infection on from the cup.
9.30 am Holy Eucharist 1982 Scottish Liturgy
Wednesday Services.
10.00am (Except for 3rd Wednesdays) Holy Communion and discussion in Hall.
10.00am (3rd Wednesday) Holy Communion Scottish Prayer Book in Church followed by tea/coffee in the Hall but no discussion.