Dates for the Diary:

Sunday Morning Services; 9.30am, Holy Communion

Mid-Week Holy Communion: Wednesdays at 10.30 am

Zoom Prayer: Most Tuesday`s at 7.00pm. Please email Jennie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like to be added to the list.

Rev Paul Singh has now moved on to a new parish in Tayside, and consequently we are in a period of interregnum whilst we look for a new priest to lead the church (see message below) We continue to pray for Paul and the family as they establish a new life in Tayside.

From Revd John Stevenson

Bishop Kevin has asked me to be interim priest at St John’s Moffat and All Saints, Lockerbie.

My role will be pastoral: being available for baptisms, weddings and funerals, and ensuring anyone in need is visited, and home communions are made. I will be working very closely with Revd Nick Mark, and ask members to help in this ministry of caring by alerting us of any need. I will also be co-ordinating cover for our services and attending vestry meetings. I will not be chairing these meetings, simply listening and helping as necessary. I will not be involved in any decision making. The Dean will be guiding the vestries in such matters.

Contact numbers: Revd John Stevenson: 01683 300164 or 07588342060 Revd Nick Mark: 01756 204678

For matters pertaining to Lockerbie, please see

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